Health: Memory is really perfect!! – Part 2

Continue on our Memory is not perfect article, there are couple of theory showing our memory is excellent and kicking. Let explore memory tests and its capability in here.

Photographic memory

  1. This specific people remembering usually for a very short known as eidetic memory.
  2. This memory usually fades, but it can be so accurate that it enables somebody, after seeing a picture of 1000 randomly sprayed dots on a white sheet, to reproduce them perfectly.
  3. Children often have the ability as a natural part of their mental functioning, and we train it away by forcing them to concentrate too much logic and language and too little on imagination and their other mental skills.

1000 photographs test

  1. In one memory equipment, people were shown 1000 photographs, one after the other, at a pace of about a photograph per second.
  2. The psychologists then mixed another 100 photographs in with original 1000 and asked the people to select those that they had not seen the first time.
  3. Normal memory, we are able to remember the image has seen previously, as well as those not shown before.

Mnemonics Memory

  1. Mnemonics are memory devices that help learners recall larger pieces of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics, steps, stages, parts, etc.
  2. In a study by Gerald R. Miller that mnemonics increased recall. He found that students who regularly used mnemonic devices increased test scores up to 77%!
  3. Mnemonics are most often used to remember lists of items, often in auditory or textual form, for example using acronyms, memorable sentences, or even short poems.
  4. But they can also work using your sight or body movements.
patrick star brain
patrick star brain

In summary, our memory through testing can remember a lot of things as our brain cell is always busy working.

Thanks for reading and take care.

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