Health: Memories don’t have to be ACCURATE to be useful

In our music song that written by artistic, there are many songs about pain. Pain is a universal feature of the human experience but what is pain?

Is pain open to interpretation?

  1. The sensation of pain from physical injury starts in pain receptors located throughout your body are activated when you are cut, burned, stretched, bent or broken in ways that are dangerous.
  2. When pain signals reach the spinal cord, they initiate other signals that zip back downstream to the muscles, causing them to contract and disengage from whatever is causing the pain.
  3. This reaction happens even before the signals that continue upstream to the brain have had a chance to create a conscious experience of pain.
  4. Once pain messages reach the brain, the pain is mapped to a part of the body.
  5. Most of time the mapping is quite accurate: Prick a finder on a needle and you perceive pain where the needle pricked.
  6. Because pain is processed in the brain, it can even be experienced in limbs that are no longer attached to the body. It is common for people who have lost limbs as a result of accident, war or illness to continue to perceive feelings in their lost limb long after it is gone.
  7. Proprioception is one of the features of human senses. You can feel the missing part of the body and comes with a phantom pain, which is realization of pain in missing part.

Brain sensory map

  1. The brain has 2 detailed maps of the body: a sensory map and a motor map.
  2. The sensory map helps the brain to figure out where in the body you are feeling touch, heat, or pain.
  3. The motor map helps the brain figure out which body parts to move.
  4. When someone loses a limb, the sensory and motor maps for that limb remain in the brain.
  5. Anytime the sensory area of the missing limb is activated, it is perceived as a sensation coming from the missing body part that was mapped to that location in the brain.
  6. What we call pain is more than a physical sensation, and the feeling part of pain isn’t exactly proportional to the intensity of the signal emanating from our pain receptors.
  7. The effectiveness of many placebos is explained in part because signals indicating physical pain have to be interpreted by the brain.

In summary, our brain has this placebos effects in their head. But studies have demonstrated that placebo effects happen in part because brain actually stars to release chemicals that dull pain in response to an expectation of relief, regardless of whether you are taking a real drug.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your day ahead.

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