Python: Play A Sudoku Game

In our old article, we have covered before Sudoku Game using Javascript. However, in our this article, we will be using python to build up Sudoku Game. Let explore the Sudoku code and play.

Sudoku Game Play

  1. Sudoku game is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 × 3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.
  2. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid, which for a well-posed puzzle has a single solution.

Practice with Sudoku Python

  1. Here the link to the code and puzzles file.
  2. Define sudokuGrid class function with input value original setup.
    1. Define resetGrid function to reset the sudoku grid board.
    2. Define makeMove function to check the user keyin move cell – ABC DEF GHI and number 1~9 is valid and set it if this is empty cell.
sudoku code1
sudoku code1
  1. Define sudokuGrid class function:
    1. Define undo function, undo the move selected by player
    2. Define display function is to display the Sudoku Board on the screen.
sudoku code2
sudoku code2
  1. Define sudokuGrid class function:
    1. Define issolve function, to check for each of 9×9 rows and columns has the number be filled and each 3×3 box cell is filled with numbers
sudoku code3
sudoku code3
  1. In the main program, ask for user input of any key to start.
  2. Read the sudopuzzles file and get the puzzle numbers and space
  3. Random the puzzles array and pass to the sudokuGrid class.
  4. Display the sudoku board
  5. Check if all cell grid has been resolved. If yes, exit the program.
  6. If not, ask for user to input a move
    1. Next Move Key in as following: B3 1
    2. Or you can select RESET, NEW, UNDO, ORIGINAL, QUIT
sudoku code4
sudoku code4
  1. Next, detect R, N, U, O to call the respective sudokuGrid class function
  2. If wrongly keyin, it will prompt to enter a move.
sudoku code5
sudoku code5

Let execute and check play a game of Sudoku Game

sudoku output
sudoku output

Thanks for reading and have a great day ahead.

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